Answer the end of the makers, which is that his Matyes
Good Subjects of this Province may be instructed in Reli-
gion and therein of there Duty to God, his Matye and
themselves, And those pious and Exemplary persons that
shall Labour therein Suitably provided for Bee it Enacted
by the Authority Advice and consent aforesaid; that no
Minister or Incumbent shall at one time hold more then
Two parishes, nor Two unless by the desire or Agreement
of the Vestry of the said Adjacent parish and consent of the
Vestryes where he resides. And Appoyntment of the Ordi-
nary, and where there are not or shall not be Ministers in
any Parish it shall and may be Lawfull to the Vestry To
provide some Sober and Discreet person as a Reader. And
to present him to the Ordinary, who may Sequester part of
the fforty pounds p poll; To pay him for such Service;
And the rest to be Apply'd as the Law in cases of such
Vacancies directs. And upon such Readers takeing the
Aforesaid Oathes Appoynted by Act of Parliament; Sub-
scribing The Test and Association, and procureing Lycence
from the Ordinary shall and may read Divine Service, Hom-
illies and such other good Authors of Practicall Divinity as
shall be Appointed : at the usuall Times in such Churches
or Chapplls and therein shall Demean himself according to
the Lyturgy of the Church of England as aforesaid : And
for the Preventing of Delayes and other inconveniences
which might happen if there were a necessity for the Expect-
ing the Attendance and presence of all the said Vestrymen ;
And at the same time to prevent the doeing of any thing of
Consequence by Surprize by a small number of them. Bee
it hereby Enacted, that the ffirst Tuesday in Every Moneth
shall be and is hereby fixt and Assertained for holding a
Vestry at a Eleaven of the Clock in the fforenoon in the
usuall place for that Purpose; without any notice or warning
to be given thereof, at which time and Place, the major part
of the Vestrymen then present (soe as such Majority be not
under the number of Three prsons) shall be esteemed a Vestry.
And shall have full power to ordr Direct and Act in all things,
by this Act Appoynted. To be done According to this Act
as a Vestry; And that in case any Vestryman shall remove
or with draw himselfe from the Parish or Voluntarily or ffree-
quently neglect to give his Attendance, and Absent himselfe
from the Vestry or otherwayes become unfitt or Incapable To
continue To execute the said Office or Trust, that in any such
case the residue of the said Vestry or the majority of them
Lib. L. L.
No. 2.
p. 408