winds and weather could not give his sooner attendance which
excuse was approoved on and he tooke his place
Collo Jno Hamond and Mr James Saunders from the Councill
enters the house and delivers Mr Speaker The Bill for appor-
coning the Publick Leavy
Which was sent up to be engrossed
The Committee for Stateing the publick accots enters the
house and bring with them their Journall which was read the
first and 2a time and assented to and was sent up to the honble
Councill by Lt Collo Thomas Smith, Mr Samll Young and Mr
John Smith.
They returne and say they delivered the same
The Gent : appointed to view the place intended for build-
ing a new Prison. Reports the place where the foundacon is
intended is very ill convenient and advise that there is a place
neare it on a more riseing Ground is very convenient
Thereupon it is ordered that Mr Samll Young advise the
undertaker tht the prison be built on that place
Mr Wm Bladen clk. of the honble Councill enters the house
and brings with him the Journall of the publick acct assented
to by his Excy and Councill And alsoe delivers Mr Speaker an
Indenture of the Election of a member for Somersett County
Mooved by a member that forasmuch as Mr Edward Topp
a Minister attended the honble Councill this Sessions ought to
have some allowance.
Resolved that he be allowed ffower pounds Sterling for his
attendance at laying the next publick Leavy in October
The Gent : of the Committee for Elections &c are ordered
to goe out and enquire into the Election of Mr Peter Dent a
member for Somersett County
Mr Speaker delivered them the Indenture and they with-
drew to consider thereof.
The Comittee soon after entered the house and Report that
Mr Peter Dent is duely elected for Somerset County.
And ordered that Mr John Hall and Mr John Bozman at-
tend Mr Peter Dent to his Excy and Councill to see him Sworne
They returne and say they saw him quallified and soe took
his place in the house.
Bill for apporconing the publick Leavy engrossed sent up
to his Excy and Councill for their assent
Collo John Hamond and James Saunders Esqr from the
honble Councill enters the house and delivers Mr Speaker the
Bill for apporconing the publick Leavy Endorsed
Assented to by his Excy and Councill, March 25 1702
Signed p order. W Bladen clk. Councill
The same Bill was assented to by the house of Dellegates
Eod Die p order W Taylard Clk house Dell :