The honble Speaker brought in his Answer to his Excy Lre :
which being read the house concurrs therewith and,
Ordered it be entred as follo
May it Please your Excy
Wee returne your Excellency our humble thanks for soe
freely communicateing to us your designe of goeing to En-
gland but are most heartily sorry you finde any uneasiness
among us wch should give you cause to desire to be remooved
from a people to whom by your constant candour and Integ-
rity Prudence and discreet Managemt of Affaires you have
given a compleat and entire Satisfaction wch in behalfe of the
province in Genll and of every individuall person in our house
in perticular, Wee Gratefully acknowledge (and pray God to
bless you and your Good Lady who alsoe has been an Emi-
nent Example of Religion and Vertue) and perticularly wee
pray God to bless your hopefull children borne amongst us to
be an Honour to their Native Countrey for wch Children sake
wee hope your Excy will when in England beare a true respect
to this province.
If any business arrizes from this Sessions towards England
wee shall desire your Excys favour and that you will comand
our Duty and Loyalty to our Gracious Sovereigne, Whom
God preserve. Your Excys Most humble Servts
Signed p order.
W Taylard Clk: house Dell:
Bill for conveying Iurors rejected
The peticon Jno Hawkins of Charles County read and or-
dered to be allowed 800ll tobbo
Majr Wm Bartons peticon read and Resolved that the im-
prsonment fees for a Servant boy to be paid by the Coty and
that he produce his acct to this house prooved of the Indians
Which being delivered into the house was regulated and
allowed 5000lb tobbo in full for the same.
Proposed that Mr W. Bladen be desired to attend this house
on Munday morning and bring with him the Errata's of the
Laws that the same may be debated pursuant to a referrence
last Sessions.
Thomas Brooke Esqr and Collo John Hamond enters the
house and Delivers the following Message.
Gent : I take your kind Sentiments of me with a Great
Sattisfaction and shall look upon it one of the Happynesses
of my life you approove my conduct amongst you and when