him and the members of this house to attend him and his
Matys Honble Councill at the Councill Chamber.
Whereupon Mr Speaker and the whole house adjourne to
the Councill Chamber.
Att the Councill Chamber his Excy is pleased to make to
the house the following Speech viz:
Gent: I have never convened you oftner then the imediate
affaires of the Province have required, and that not oftener
then once a yeare neither should I have called you now soe
early in the Spring but that some concerns of moment require
yor concurrence.
The Law for Establishmt of Religious Worship in this prov-
ince according to the Church of England which you made last
and sent home is now returned by his Majty for yor assent, and
you will find the alteracons that are made but very little and
those such vissable amendments to our advantage being cor-
rected by soe wise an hand Wee ought to be proud of the
patterne in confirmeing it
If I mistake not yor Journall of Assembly will make it appear
that this way was humbly requested by yor Selves in an ad-
dress to his Maty that he would be pleased to order it to be
drawne as he should think fitt and to be remitted to you for
yor concurrence
And Since this Law was soe unanimously made by you I
have not the least Doubt that any crafty insinuacon will abate
yor good Intentions in Confirmeing soe Glorious and good An
Act but that you will chearfully joyne in putting it upon that
foote his Maty has Graciously given us an handle to doe that
for the future it may not be within the reach of our opponents
to Shock it againe tho' their Efforts have proved feeble hitherto
Yett you ought not to trust it any longer but endeavour to
plant it firme to yor posterity which be a most lasting Testi-
mony of yor Vertues
I am directed by his Majty to communicate to you his Lre :
of the nineteenth of January in wch his Maty has thought it
necessary for yor Safeties that you give a Supply of six hundred
and fifty pounds Sterling towards the building a ffortificacon
in his Govrnmt of New Yorke as allsoe a Quota of men if oc-
casion should be. I need not enforce this his Matys command
to you with any better argument then he is pleased to Signifie
in his Lre that yor complyance with this will entitle you to his
Royall Grace and favour
I have been some yeares among you and you have allways
found me strictly Iust to you.
Wherefore If I have any credit with you it is my reall oppinion
you cannott be kinder to yor Selves then by showing yor ready