Thereupon Mr Speaker and the whole house with the clerke
attend his Excy and his Matys honble Councill in the Councill
Mr Speaker presented his Excy the severall bills made this
sessions to which his Excy was pleased to give his assent and
endorsed them with these woords viz:
May 17th 1701.
On behalfe of his most sacred Majty King William the third
by the Grace of God of England, Scotland, ffrance and Ire-
land &c:
I will these to be Laws.
N. Blakiston.
May 17th 1701.
Which being done his Excellency was pleased to Seale the
same with the Broad Seale of this province which Lawes being
soe signed and sealed his Excy was pleased to acquaint this
house that he thought it Convenient for his Majestys service
to Prorogue them untill the first day of Iuly next and that
they were thereby accordingly prorogued.
And soe ended this Sessions of Assembly.
W. Taylard Clk. of the house of Delegates.