Which was sent up to his Excy and Councill for Concurrence
by Collo John Thompson and Collo Wm Holland.
They Returne and say they delivered the same.
The Honble Robert Smith Esq. enters the house and returnes
the Journall of Accounts assented to by his Excy and Councill
and the ordinance for building the prison which ordinance was
thus endorsed, viz:
May17th 1701. By his Excy the Gov and Councill.
This proposall is agreed too, but that the placeing the prison
be by the Directions of the Gent appointed overseers of the
Signed p order W Bladen Clk: Councill.
To the Honble the house of Delegates.
The humble peticon of Dinah Deavaver als, Nouland
That whereas her late husband had Lycense Granted for
keeping an ordry at the ferry house on the No side Seavern
river out of the towne of Annapolis and the limitts thereof but
forasmuch as the Honble Thos Lawrence Esqr late Secry of this
province insisted upon 2000 lb tobo p annum for the same as
other Ordinarys within the towne alltho' not yett determined
by Law
Your petr therefore humbly prays yor Honrs opinion therein
and that the same may be determined by this Honble house,
whether such Ordrys shall be under the same penalltyes as the
Ordain Annapolis or those proscribed in the Law tht keep
Ordrys in the Coty and she shall pray &c.
Which was here read and considered.
And being carefully debated its the oppinion of the house
that such persons that keep Ordrys at the ferry house house on
the North side of Seavern be and is deemed as a Coty Ordry
and is Lyable to pay noe more then 400ll Tob. p Anm and to
Complye with the Act for regulateing Ordrys &c relateing there-
Resolved that the Treasurer of the Western Shore pay the
Rangers and that his Excy be desired to draw upon the Trea-
surer for paymt thereof according to allowance.
Major Wm Dent sent to his Excy and Councill to acquaint
them that this house has nothing before them soe that they
are ready to attend his Excy when he shall please to comand
He returnes and says that his Excy is ready to receive them
in the Councill Chamber.