A Iournall of the house of Delegates Begun the Eighth
Day of May in the 13th yeare of the Reigne of our Sov-
ereigne Lord King William the third &c by the Grace of
God of England, Scotland France and Ireland King De-
fendt of the faith &c. Anno Dom. 1701.
Maryland ss :
The house of Assembly called by virtue of his Majtys writt
of Election Issued out of the high Court of Chancery beare-
ing date the day of in the yeare of our Lord 1700:
and Directed to the Citty of St Mary's and the Severall and
Respective Counties of this province Comanding them to
make choice of two Sufficient able men to Serve for the said
Citty and fower for each respective County to serve as
Deputys and Dellegates for the sd Citty and Countys afsd to
be and prsonally appeare at the Town of Annapolis upon the
said Eighth day of May aforesaid where being mett at the
Stat house in Annapolis his Excy Nathanll Blakiston Esqr Govr
of this Province by Mr Wm Bladen Commanded their attend-
ance upon his Excy and Councill at the Councill Chambr in
the schoole house in the Towne afsd where the severall Dep-
utyes and Dellegates of the said Citty and Countys there
appeared tooke the Severall Oaths appointed by Act of Par-
liament instead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy
and likewise the test and association were subscribed by
the said Severall and respective Dellegates only Mr Iames
Round Deceased and Mr Thos Ennalls not yett appeared.
Thereupon his Excy willed them to repaire to their house
againe and choose their Speaker.
The house returnes to the Stadt house againe.
Whereupon the Dellegates of the house proceeded to make
choice of their Speaker, and by Majority of voices the house
made choice of Leiut Collo Thos Smithson for theire Speaker
and placed him in the Chaire accordingly.
The Speaker with the rest of the members of the house
went up to the Councill Chamber where they prsented their
Speaker to his Excy the Governor who approved of the choice
for which the members of this house returned his Excy humble
Then Mr Speaker on behalfe of the house desired his Excy
that the Libertys and priviledges of the house might be ratti-
fied and Allowed by his Excy and that he might have free