Ordered and Desired by the honble Concill that his Excel-
lency the Governor will pay Mr Richard Beard Twenty pounds
Sterl p annum for Cleansing fixing and keeping in Repair
the Arms now lodged in Town and that when more Arrive
his Excellency Will be pleased to agree with him and Pay
him for them Likewise out of the Duty of three pence p
hhd given by his most Sacred Maty for the Supply of the
Country with Arms and Amunition
Came Major William Dent and Colo Thomas Ennalls and
bring up the Bill for the Impost of three pence p hhd with the
Alteration Proposed which was read and sent to the house
by Thomas Brooke Esqr Colo John Hafnond.
Came Mr Richd Tilghman and Major Edward Dorsey who
bring the Ingrossed Bill for the Impost of three pence p hhd
towards the publick Charge read and Assented to, and sent
to the house by Mr James Frisby and Mr Robert Smith they
also bring the following Message Vizt
By the House of Delegates
May the 17th 1701
The Petition of Edward Laddermore recommended from his
Excellency and Councill to this house with a Bill therewith
sent was here read & Considered and forasmuch as the
Prayer of the Petitioner is of so high a nature that the house
do not think fitt to pass the Bill sent with the Petition.