Came Col Edward Lloyd and 7 other members from the
house who bring up the following Bills viz
An Act for to Encourage the Importing Coin into this Prov-
ince which being read the following remarks were thereupon
made and sent to the house by Mr Tench, Mr Frisby, Mr Ad-
dison and Mr Hammond viz
By his Excellency the Governor & Councill in Assembly
May 1 6th 1701
The Bill Proposed to Encourage Importing Coine into this
Province having been read att this Board it is remarked there-
upon that att present as the Law for Religion vizt the 40 p
poll stands, this Law seems to reencounter therewith will be in
great Measure infringed if not Occasioned to be wholy Abro-
gated thereby
It is further remarked the Justices of the Countys thereby
having such power given them to declare and Ascertein att
what rate money shall pay Tobbacco it will Occasion great
Confusion and Clamour in that it is Impossible all the Justices
of the County Courts should Agree in Opinion as to the Just
Value of Tobbacco or that the Tobbacco in every County
should be of like Esteem