most Sacred Majesty in reguard of some Apparent Incon-
veniencyes Especially in the Law entituled an Act repealing
Certain Laws of this Province and Confirming others wherein
we are doubtfull to make the same unhapy Mistake as in the
Year 1699 by Joining them altogether so that it has been
Offered That his Maty Cannot give his Consent to any Laws
unless all, and in the like maner disallow any Single Act the
whole Involved in the same Determination upon this Impor-
tant Occasion.
We are very desirous to have a Conference with Mr
Speaker and Some Competent Number of Your house, that
if possible we may timely obviate any Prejudice or detriment
arising therefrom in which we shall heartily Join with you.
Signed p Order W Bladen Cl Concil.
The Board adjourned 'till 2 of the Clock in the afternoon.
Post Meridiem
The Councill again Sate Present as in the morning.
Came the honble Colo John Addison who took his place att
the Board.