Which said Gent having taken the Oaths apointed by Act
of Parliament instead of the Oaths of Allegiance & Suprem-
acy and Subscribed the Test and Association in presence
of his Excy the Governor and his Maty honble Councill his
Excellency directed them to repaire to their House and
Choose their Speaker as they have heretofore used, where-
upon they go down and after a short time again returne &
Present Lt Coltl Thomas Smithson to be their Speaker who
having made his request to be Excused therefrom. His Ex-
cellency notwithstanding is pleased to approve of him and
on his Desire is pleased to grant the Members of the house
Protection for their persons freedom of Debate & Access to
his Person
Came Mr Samuel Young and Mr George Muschamp from
the house who present Mr William Taylard to his Excy desir-
ing he may be Comissionated Clk of their house which his
Excellency is pleased to approve of.
And Accordingly the said Mr Taylard took the Oaths ap-
pointed by Act of Parliamt Instead of the Oaths of Alle-
giance & Supremacy and the Oath of Clerk of the house of
Delegates, Likewise Subscribed the Test & Association