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66 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1696/7-98.
Lib. H. D. It is no more than hatred and malice that the English of that Colony has against us for this Summer the ffrench Indians had killed two Christians at Deerfield and Carryed away ffour prisonrs they laid that mischief also upon us but it is now well knowne that the Same party upon their Return to Canida kill'd Juriaen & Sence others of the ffive Nations. Father Cajenquirago. We begg that we may have Satisfaction for this injury done us and that our two Brothers now in Custody may be Released and the rest of our people sent Home to Us in Safety. Interpreted from the Dutch by me Dellius.
His Exncys Reply to the Sachims of the Rivr Indians. Children. I have heard what you now have Say'd but cannot p. 470 believe it. I formerly Commanded you not to goe into those parts and told you the penalty. If your Brethren have been guilty of that murther which I believe will be made Evident, Justice has passed upon them under which you must acquiese. In the mean time I Command you, not to goe into that countrey, I will inquire further, and then send for you. Cop: Vera: David Jamison Cl. Concil.
A Message from his Exncy Coll: Benjamin ifietcher, Capt Genll and Governr in Cheif of his Mats Province of New York &ca To the ifive Nations of Indians. Sent by Sagaedaieendon, an Oneyde Capt with a Belt of Wampum. Brethern I let you know by this Bearer Sagaedaieendon, and this belt of Wampum which I send you, that I am at Albany, to adjust my Duty to the great King of England my Master, and to Answer the desire of his Subjects in this place; To assert the Regard I have to the Covenant Chain by covering you, my Brethren, from the Insults of the ffrench Governr of Canada and by defending Albany. You must not therefore be ifrightened by Threats or Brags of Onondio, that Governr, but follow my directions, by which you will be Safe. Keep out good Videts and Scouts, that you be not Sur prised, as formerly. That ifrench Governr cannot hurt you, if you are awake and have Armes in yor hands. Suffer not yor Young men to hunt too ffarr from home, and always have messingers ready for an imediate dispatch to them, upon any approach of the Enemy.
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