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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1696/7-98. 61
for the sd Courts meeting sooner & other Reasons) and Lib. H. D. the sd Court is hereby Adjourn'd accordingly, Comanding all the Justices thereof, and Grand jury, to be precisely here on that day for the better Solemnizing the same, and tht in all parishes where Ministers are Resident, the sd Ministers doe Read Divine Service and preach, and where there are no Ministrs that Divine Service be Read, Strictly charging all prsons whatsoever within this Province to abstain from Servile and Corporall Labour on that day, and Religiously to keep the same, whereof the Severall Sherriffs are to give due Notice, by making Proclamacon, hereof, in all Churches Chappells and other publick places of meeting, within their respective Counties. And whereas by Virtue of an Ordr of my Self and Councill passed in December ]ast, Severall prsons have been prceeded agt by his Mats Attorney Genll here for their non Complyance in the Duty of their respective Offices pursuant to the directions of Severall Acts of Assembly and Orders of Councill issued. And fforasmuch as I have Recd: some reasonable Excuses both verball and written from divers of the parties Concern'd since such pro. cess issued alleadging their deficiency of not rightly under standing or being throughly advised in those matters and that the same was not done out of any Contempt, which allegacons I hope may prove true, But more especially taking into Con sideracon the happy News of his Mats health & prosperity &Ca before Recited, I do (by advice aforesd) hereby Signifye and Ordr that a ffinall Stop be put to the sd process, Provided the parties Concern'd do Still make due Complyance in per forming the severall matters and things, by the sd Acts of Assembly & former Ordrs of Councill injoyned them (for which they are proceeded agt) by the ffirst day of the next prov't Court, and not otherwise, whereof the Severall Sherriffs are to give due Notice and conform themselves accordingly, and to the End a future better observance may be made of all Laws Aets of Assembly and Orders of my Self and Councill, the Sherriffs are likewise to give Notice to all the Justices, p. 466 Vestrymen, Overseers of the high ways & other Officers within their respective Counties whom any of the Laws of England Acts of Assembly of this Province, or Orders 01 Councill do or may more imediately concern that they go to the Clerk of the County Courts where they live and there pruse the Laws of this Province as also Consult the Laws of England and likewise take Copy from the Sherriff of what Orders of Councill may relate to or Concern them to which if they make due & Constant Complyance they need not fear any molestacon or trouble, Otherwise they must expect to be proceeded agt according to Law; Given at the Port of
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