Proceedings of the Council of
Maryland, 1696/7-98. 5
of each County with
Ordrs to Shew the same to all the Lib. H. D. Masters of Ships and Merchts and that publication be
made and Notice Given
thereof to all the inhabitants of the Province in generall commanding all Persons to Conform
themselves accordingly; the
sd Ordr being Drawn up was Read and
Approved off his Exncy asking Capt Daniell if he could think of any thing further for his Mats
Service in this behalfe, who
Says he thinks the same is sufficient. His Exncy is pleased to give Ordrs to Mr Plater for to shew a
Copy of the sd Letter
&ca to the Masters of Ships in South River Herring Creek and Petuxant River. The Copy of the Lre and Ordr followes
in these Words Vizt Part of a Letter by his EXnCY the
Governt recd: from the
honrble Capt Charles Wager Commodore of the Virga and Maryland ffleet dated the 27th of Janry
1696/7 Vizt Comodores
Sr Exncy the I recd: your Exncys Letter by
Lieut Ockman who Ships
Sayling I kept longer then I intended having no News p. 452 before now to send to yor Exncy here is
at last two Ships Arrived
from England but no Ordrs for me I understand by Letters that the King has Ordered in
Councill two men of Warr
which are supposed to be the Weymouth & Woolwich to be sent hither to bring home the
latter Ships Nevertheless I have sent an Ordr to Capt Daniell to
Continue in Maryland till
the 1st of March, by which time I hope all the Ships that Came in with Us will be Ready to Come
Down with him & J oyn
the ffleet here; I suppose yor EXnCY hath an Accot of the Men of Warr bound hither who may be
Expected here the latter End
of ffebry here is noe News here but what yor Exncy will have in yor pacquets by Leiut
Ockman; Capt Rhodes tells me
there was fforty saile of men of Warr bound to the Streights and about three hundred Sayle
of Merchtmen to all parts;
that were most of them under Sayle at Spithead the 2d of Novembr Sr Clowdsly Shovell Adm” bound to
the Streights that an
Express Came that day and Stopt them and the next day they Came away with all the Mercht Ships
and only ffive men of Warr
Commanded by Vice Admll Nevill, he
says there was great talk of a Plott being found out, and a designed invasion but knows noe
particulars. Ordr to the
Sherriffs to Maryland: ss
shew the I do
hereby, in his Mats Name Strictly OrdT and Comodores Command the Severall Sherriffs of the
Lettr to all
. Mastrs & that immediately (upon sight hereof) they
per Coniandrs sonally shew
the above Letter to all Masters of
Ships and Merchts within their respective Counties as also