Volume 23, Page 215 View pdf image (33K) |
Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1696/7-98. 215 By his Exncy the Govr &ca Lib. H. D. Septem. the 20th 1697 p. 130 Order to the Ordered that the Sherriffs do (upon sight hereof) Justices of . . each Co: to give Notice to the Justices of their respective send a list of Counties that they Speedily meet together with
the Orphans their Clerk and cause a list of all the Orphans within their Counties to be drawn forth and Sig nifye how the same are put out as also a list of all the Lawyers inhabiting within their respective Counties and of those in particular that are admitted and Sworn Practitionrs of the Court and to Signifye how long they have sevrally practiced in those Courts and that they Omitt not to return an Accot of the publick Roads, pursuant to the directions of the Act of Assembly and fformer Orders together with the foremention'd lists unto his Exncy at the Port of Annapolis by the ffirst day of the Provinciall Court in Octor. next. His EXnCY having observed in Severall places of the Province in his Travells that the sd Law concerning the Roads is not duly Complyed with; is hereby pleased to declare that he is Resolved the parties blamable as well Justices as Overseers shall undergo the Rigour of the Law. And it is hereby further Ordered that they return an Accot and list of the Names and place of Resi dence of the Severall Ordinary keepers within their Counties with a Caution that they grant Lycence to none but what are qualifyed by Law and prosecute all such as keep Ordinary without Lycence and that they also return a list of the Coronrs Commissionated and Sworn.
By his Exncy the Capt Genll &ca A Proclamacon Maryland ss. Proclamacon Whereas the honrble Capt Thomas Dilkes Comandr of his Mats ffrigot the Bredah and Comodore of of his Mats West India Squadron hath Signifyed unto me how that Severall of the men belonging to
the sd Squadron have lately diserted his Mats Service, who (as it is Suspected) have dispersed themselves up & down this Province I do therefore hereby in his Mats name Strictly charge and Comand the Severall Sherriffs of this his Mats sd Province forthwith to make diligent Search & pursuit after the sd men (by way of hue & Cry) throughout their respect ive prcincts and to Seize and apprehend them or any other wandring Seamen and Saylors Comanding all Officers Mili tary and Civill and all other his Mats Loving Subjects to be Aiding & Assisting to them therein in Ordr that they may be apprehended and taken. And I do hereby Strictly fforwarn
Volume 23, Page 215 View pdf image (33K) |
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