Assembly Proceedings, Mar. 10, 1697/8-Apr. 4, 1698. 97
Cofnittee of Laws sent out.
The Reporte of the Cofnittee of agrievances taken into
further consideration.
It being by the said Comittee Reported. That they have
considered it as a great agrievance been sued att his Matys
Suite upon navigation and Country Bonds but no pson nomi-
nated att whose request such action or suite was comenced,
so that many times in case of dismission of such action the
Def' is left with out remedy for costs.
Therefore for the future the comittee prays that some rule
or ordinance may be made that no such action be brought
unless the wrirt be first endorsed att whose request the same
issues, so that the persons Deft may apply themselves for
agreement or other wise be provided to make theire defence.
Referred to the Comittee of Laws to draw up an explana-
tory ordinance thereof.
Likewise it is offered to the house that his Excy the Govr
sitting in view of the provinciall Court, the Comittee consider
it an awe to Lawyers Iurors and Suiters to the said Court, the
consideration whereof is refered to the house. Resolved to
be an agrievance and that his Excy be addressed therein.
Upon Complaint of a member of St Marys County that
whereas upon division of the Countys of St Mary's and Charles.
It so happened that the parish church of Allfaiths parish in the
said County is built near the line of the uper parte of the
County very remote from most of the Inhabitants in the said
parish, is offered as a great adgrievance.
Therefore it is prayed that a chapell of Ease may be built
for conveniency of the Inhabitants within the said parish.
The house are willing such chappell be built and desire his
Excy will consent to an Ordinance therefore.
That the Comittee having received an order of Councill
dated the 11th of Ianry 1697 directed to the severall Sherriffes
of the Severall counties. Whereby his Excy declares his will-
ingness to relieve the people from any thing that appears to
be grievious or burthensome to the Inhabitants of the pro-
vince, and being well assured of his Excys favour therein, the
comittee has Inspected these following Acts, Vizt
An Act for raising a supply towards the defraying of the
public charge.
One Act Imposing 4d p Gall on all Liquors &c.
One Act for 10 p Cent on all European Comodityes ex-
ported out of this province.
One Act assessing 3d p hhd towards defray'ng the publicque
charge of the province. One act Laying an Imposition on
negro slaves and white servants, and likewise have taken into
p. 177