Whereupon put to the Question if a Bill shall be drawn up
to restreine such theire psumption or not, and carryed by the
Majority of voices in the negative.
But Resolved nemine Contradicente that his Excy be ad-
dressed to issue his proclamation to restreyne such theire
extravagances and prsumptions.
House adjourned till one of the Clock in the afternoon.
Post Merediem. House Mett. absent Mr Ashman.
Resolved the following address be sent to his Excy the Govr
By the house of Delegates March the 21st 1697/8.
Upon Reading a certaine Letter from a Reverend Minister
of the church of England which your Excy was pleased to
comunicate to us complaining to your Excy how that the
popish priests in Charles County do of theire own accord in
this violent and rageing Mortality in that County make it
theire business to go up and down the County to persons
houses when dying and phrantick and endeavour to Seduce
p. 176
and make proselytes of them and in such condition boldly
prsume to adminisr the Sacremts to them. We have put it to
the vote in the house, if a Law should be made to restreyne
such theire prsumption, and have concluded not to make such
Law att present, but humbly to entreat your Excy that you
would be pleased to issue the proclamation to restreyne and
prohibite such theire extravagante and prsumptious behaviour.
Signed p order. W Bladen, Clk: house Delegates.
Sent by Mr Staley and Mr Young, who returne and say they
have delivered theire Message.
A protested Bill of Exch: due from the Country drawn by
Mr Samuell Cooksey Navll Officer of potomack upon Capt
Petre Paggen payable to Mr lames Dowling of St Mary's
County being considered by the house, Resolved the said Bill
and the damage of the protest be paid Mr Ben: Hall who is
intermarried with the said Mr Bowlings Executrix by the pub-
lick Treasurer of the Western Shoar.
His Excy the Governour having acquainted the house that it
was wished a method of holding the Assemblyes might be
The house taking the same into consideration do unani-
mously resolve that they will draw up no methods of holding
assemblyes, but continue in the forme they have done, but as
they shall gain Experience will endeavour to come nearer and
nearer to the practice of the parliament in England as the
constitution of this province will admitt.