church and consider Mr Thomas ffielder, for his pains in mak-
ing the moddell of the church and for his trouble in viewing
the church &c. also the said Comittee are ordered to enquire
what money hath been and is raised towards the building of
the church and free schoole and what preparations are made
to the building thereof.
And Thereupon the following Message Sent
By the House of Delegates March the 18th 1697/8.
We have appointed our members herewith sent to joyne
with some of the honble Board according to proposall to In-
spect the accts of the money given towards building of the
church att Annapolis and to view the work still to be done to
the Stadt house, and have sent them to acquaint your honors
therewith and that we desire they should meet this afternoon
att Col: Robothams Chamber in order to make reporte thereof
to this house.
Signed p order.
W. Bladen Ck: House Del:
Sent by Mr Michael Miller and other Members.
House Adjourned till 7 of the Clock to morrow Morning
att Mr Speakers Chamber.
Saturday March the 19th 1697/8.
The House mett, and called over. Then read over what
was done Yesterday.
A Bill for the restraining the Extortions of Sherriffes and
Deputy Comissarys read the first tyme and passed.
A Bill for recontinuing the late discontinued process of
Caecill County Court, read the first time and passed.
A Bill for appointing Court days in each respective County,
read the first time and passed.
His Maty5 Attorney and sollr genll and Mr Gouldsborough
his Maty5 Councill att Law within this province appeare in the
house. And are asked if they would Submitt theire opinions
that they were not according to Law the house being willing
to draw things to an Easy conclusion.