sent a Copy of his Matys Lawyers opinion in relation of Attor-
neys for the prusall of this house.
Signed p order. W Bladen Clk: house of Del.
Sent p Benj. Hall and Ed: Lloyd.
House adjourned till 7 Clock to Morrow Morning, att the
Speakers chamber.
Friday March 18th 1697/8.
House mett and called over. Then read over what was
done Yesterday. Mr Ben: Hall and Edward Lloyd say they
delivered theire Message to his Excy and bring a Copy of his
Matys Lawyers opinion relating to the Dismissall of Mr lames
Crauford Vizt
October the 14th 1697,
May it please your Excy
We have considered the within returne of the Justices of the
Calvert County Court relating to lames Crauford, and we are
of opinion that it is contempt in the Justices in not obeying
your Excy order. We are also of opinion that your Excy may
dismiss or suspend any person from practicing the Law within
this province upon Just and sufficient cause shewn to your