Assembly Proceedings, Mar. 8, 1697/8-Apr. 4, 1698. 69
Quarter of the publick Revenue. This Board does say that
the Accots of the Quarter part of Pocomoke is a mistake of the
Receiver mr Plater being then Concerned for that District, who
shall explain it.
As for the mistake you think to be in Mr Platers Accot for
potomock, Care will be taken to Examine him about it. A
Lettr from yor House supposed to be for my Lord Bishop of
London, has been here Read; and his Exncy says that he's
sworn to have his Reputacon & Honr supported and vindicated
by some of you.
But shall rather looke upon it as a Scandall to have it so for
he Can prove one of yor House to be a villian upon Record if
not worse and severall others their lives & Conversations to
be too well known both in this Countrey & England That they
are not agreeable to truth and Justice.
Signed p Ordr Hen: Denton Cl. Concil
Aprill the 3d 1698:
The Councill again Sate and were p'sent as on Saturday
It is observed by this board that for want of the House of Del.
Returning an answer to the Last message sent them on
Saturday night they have spent the Countrey Twenty thousand
pounds of Tobacco more then needs which it is believed must
have been done on purpose by some of the members tht are
Justices and Attorneys of the provintiall Court wch is to sitt to
morrow and it is likewise observed that in some former assem-
blys (in Ordr to dispatch business in the Conclusion of an
assembly they have sat up till 2: or 3: a Clock in the morning.
Esq Tench is sent to ask the Speaker to what place the
House is adjourn'd; who Return's and say's that they adjourn'd
to the Speakers Chamber lest he should be indisposed that he
could not goe soe ffarr as the State House but finding him-
self better this morning he intends to Adjourn the House to
the State House.
His Exncy is pleased to observe thereon tht when he Called
them up last Saturday he left them in the State House and
acquainted the Speaker that was the place to doe business
therefore does not know by what authority they Adjourn'd
themselves again to an Ale House.
His Exncy having been pleased to Communicate to the Board
what he intended to say to the Speaker and the House upon
the breaking up of this Sessions the same is well approved
off. Whereupon his Exncy is pleased to say, that by what he
finds the House will not make an End these two or three days.
Wherefore the Honrble Colonll Henry Jowles and Thomas
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