68 Assembly Proceedings, Mar. 8, 1697/8-Apr. 4, 1698.
We have appointed Mr Philip Clark & Wm Taylard to pruse
and Consult Books to draw up certain forms of Oaths for the
Severall Officers to take and the Grand Jury Charge agt the
next Sessions of Assembly.
As to the 40000lb Tobo left upon the Journall of the Committee
of Accots Wee put in 20000lb Tobo at his Exncys Instance and the
other 20000lb Tobo we design'd to pay the Honrble his Mats
Councill and the Gentlemen that apportion the publique Leavy
but rather then wee will admit of any Novell, we are willing It
should not be left upon that Journall. Signed p Ordr
W Bladen Clk: Dom Del.
His Exncy is pleased to demand of the Board whether or noe
he had spoke any thing when at the house otherwise than plain
mattr of fact who say not, and doe very well approve of what
was Say'd. In Reply to the answer of the House Just now
brought by mr Harris and others it is Remarked as follows vizt
1: This Board doe say tht there is noe such thing can appear
upon the Journall of yor house of having His Exncys Consent
for yor Adjourning to the Speakers Chamber at an Ordinary
only his Exncy thinks that Majr Thompson & some other mem-
ber Came, and told him so, as he was walking upon the State
House hill after they were adjourn'd to that place
2: His Exncy is pleased to appoint the honrble Sr Thomas Lau-
rence Baron' Secryr, Coll: Henry Jowles & Thomas Tench
Esq to Examine into the accounts & papers Relating to Mr
Benja Halls protested bills of Exa against the next Sessions of
Assembly & to make Report accordingly.
4: It is supposed tht yor meaning is tht the 40000l Tobo should
be wholy left out, if soe and yor allowing Mr Sewall his Exncy
will assent to and pass the allowances made in the Journall of
p. 107
the Committee of Accots Except those of Mr Jackson Mr Kil-
bourn, for the Speakers Chamber and the other Ordinary
keepers upon the accc of Committe's siting wch are not ad-
mitted of & Mr Ben: Halls bill as before:
Lastly his Exncy these two Remarks upon the whole answer,
That it is not Nemine Contradicente.
2ly: That Some of you have given up part of the Infalibility
as to all the rest of the materiall points, in which you sup-
pose yorselves to have been so modest, mild & humble,
his Exncy Expects that you will assert the Same before his
Sacred maty or the Rt honrbIe the Lords Commrs ffor Trade &
fforreign plantacons, where he does not doubt (God willing)
but to make you appear as little infallible as you have shewed
yorselves already.
In answer to the Return of the House concerning the