An Act for the Ordering & Regulating the Militia of this
Province for the better Defence & Security thereof.
Be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Maty by and
with the Advice and Consent of this prsent Generall Assembly
and the Authority of the Same That from and after the End of
this Sessions of Assembly the Militia of this Province shall be
Mustered Trained and Exercised according to these Instructions
& directions following. That every Colonel, Major or Captain
of foot allready Comissionated or hereafter to be Comissionated
by his Excellency the Governor of this Province for the time
being shall have Power to Enlist Such and Soe many Inhabit-
ing within this Province not hereafter Excepted in their Sev-
erall and respective Divisions between Sixteen & Sixty Years
of Age as they shall think fitt by as Equal Proportions of the
said Inhabitants as Possibly they Can to be of the Militia or
Train Bands of this Province wch Said Persons So Enlisted they
shall Muster Exercise and Traine in and att Such Places and
at Such Certein times as to them shall Seem meet or the Ser-
vice Safety or defence of this Province shall require or as his
Excellency the Governor of this Province for the time being
shall so Cause to Order. That every such Colonel Major or
Captaine shall give Notice or Sumons upon every Training or
Mustering to Every person So Enlisted as aforesd within this