An Act for Secureing Persons Rights to Town Lands
An Act for laying an Imposition on Severall Comoditys
Exported out of this Province.
An Act for Naturalization of Michael Curtis & others
An Act Impowering the Comissioners of the County of Kent
to purchase three Acres of Land whereon to build a Court
An Act for Speedy Justice an Incouragement of Trade
An Act for Naturalization of John Edgar of Somersett County
An Act for Sanctifying and keeping holy the Lords Day.
To the Kings most Excellent Maty.
An Act for the Service of Allmighty God and the Establish-
ment of the Protestant Religion within this Province.
An Act for keeping good Rules and Orders in the Porte
of Annapolis.
An Act for the Confirming Titles of Land given to the use
of Churches and Chapells
An Act for the better Enabling Mrs Katherine Herman
widdow and Relict of Col Herman to sell Land in the Porte of
An Act Impowering the Comissioners of each respective
County to purchase Land for the use of their respective Courts.