papars respecting that Matter, Whereby they not only find
you have omitted answering two of the most Materiall points
in the Comittee Vizt whethr the proceedings of his Excy and
his Majtyes honble Councill wth a Comittee appointed in Octobr
Last abt the sd Indians are approved of, or not, and whether
the answers of his Excy Sr Edmond Andross his Majtyes Govr
Genll of Virginia &c: and his Majtyes honbk Councill there,
herewth returned you, concerning the same, is well or ill but
also do observe that the house held the Piscattaway Indians to
be a weak Inconsidrable Enemye yet the Justices & Grand
Jury of Prince Georges County and the ffrontier Inhabittans
upon potomeck do not Recon them so (as by the papers
herewth sent may appear) howevr it is Considered that if they
should Cofnitt any Murdr or acts of Hostility in this his Majtyes
province, wch god forbide his Excy does think that some of you
that are of that openion will be the properrest persons to
accompany him when he goes agt the Piscattaway Indians,
and he thinks when his Comands are in his Majtyes name and
not Contrary to Law all psons wth in this his Majtyes province
ought to pay due obedience thereunto. And as for yor desire
of putting speedy End to this Sessions of Assembly; You
might have answered the purpose of the Writt for wch you
were called and wtt other Mattrs have been proposed to you by
his Excy & his Majtyes honble Councill Ten dayes ago.
Signed p ordr H Denton Cl. Council.
As for the Act for the Leavy his Excy can do nothing
therein untill he has had the pusall of the Journall of the
Comittee of Accts and then he will appoint some of his Majtyes
honWe Councill, the above answer &c. was sent by Tho Tench
& lames Frisby Esqrs
Brought from the house of Delegates by Mr Harris and
other Membrs the following answer in relation to the last
Message sent abt the Indians Vizt
The said Messengers brought also the following Bills
fairly Engrossed Vizt
By the house of Delegates March the 31st 1698.
In answer to the Message this day sent abt the Indians this
house have already voted and Resolved that their answers
already given are Sufficient and are Resolved they will not
recede from their former votes or take the said Mattr into
further considration therefor humbly pray we may be no
longer detained upon that acct Signed p ordr
W Bladen Cl. Dom. Del.
p. 81