It is proposed, that the houoe would advice wt way the
Armes (now coming in) shall be disposed of
A Reprsentation of the honble Sr Thoms Lawrence is herewth
likewise sent.
March the 31th 1697
His Majtyes Secretary of this province doth Reprsent to the
honble the Speaker & to this house of Delegates that in the
Assembly held att Annapolis in Sept 1696 among othr Matters
Reported by him to the house of Delegates in the Memorialls
then laid before them Conteining an accot of all business he
had Solicited for the Country dureing his Stay in Engld anno
1695 there is an Article relateing to John Povey Esqr
declareing that he would give in no prticular of ffees due to
the plantation office, for presenting severall addresses and
othr business transacted by the honble William Blathwayt Esqr
and by himselfe before the King in Councill and the Rt honble
the Lords of the Comittee for Trade & plantations, for the
Service of this province but left this mattr wholly to the Con-
sidration of the Assembly who did then do nothing in itt.
The particular affair is therefor offerred by the Secretary to
the further Considration of this house which is desired to give
some answer unto it. Thomas Laurence
The Indian matter is againe taken into serious considration
and the Severall papers sent to & recd from the house con-
cerning the Same, as also the Cofnittees Report and Severall
other papers relateing to that affair, his Excy is pleased to
demand of the board wtt is fitt and propper to be done seeing
the house has Left severall points agreed to by the afore
The ffollowing Mess: sent to the house by his Excy the
Govr and Councill in assembly march the 31th 1698.