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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March 1697/8-July 1699
Volume 22, Page 495   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, June 29-July 22, 1699. 495

of this Province for which he shall be Allowed and have
Creditt in his Acct Currant att the Rendring thereof as p Act
of Assembly he is obliged And be it further Enacted by the
Authority aforesaid by and with the Advice and Consent afore-
said That the said Negroes and their Increase shall not dure-
ing the life of the said Ninian Beal or his wife be taken in
Execution for any Judgement or Attachment whatsoever
Obteined or hereafter to be obteined any Law Statute or
usage to the Contrary in any wise Notwithstanding.

To his Excellency Nathaniel Blakiston Esqr Captain Generall
and Governor in Chief in and over his Matys Province of
Maryld and honble Councill and to the Worshipfull the House
of Delegates in Assembly.

The humble Petition of Henry Wallice of Kent County

Lib. L. L.

That whereas the Rt Honble the Lord Proprietor by his
Pattent under his Broad Seale bearing date att the City of St
Mary's the first day of February in the Year of our Lord one
Thousand Six hundred Eighty five did give and Grant unto
one Thomas Jackson late of Plimouth in the Kingdom of
England Marriner all that Tract or Parcell of Land Called
Boothbies fortune lying in Talbott County now in Kent
County and on the South Side of Chester River, on the
Western Side of the Southermost Maine Branch of the River
Called Andover Branch beginning att a Marked Oak Stand-
ing near the Branch and runing for breadth West South West
Two hundred and fifty Perches to a Marked Oak and from
the said Oak with a Line drawn South South East for length
three hundred and Twenty Perches and from the end of the
Said Line by a Line' Drawn East North East Two hundred
and fifty Perches to the Branch then North North West down
the Branch Three hundred and Twenty Perches to the first
bounded Tree Conteining and laid out for five hundred Acres
of Land more or less According to a Certificate of Survey
thereof Returned into the Land Office bearing Date the
Second day of June one thousand Six hundred Eighty five and
their remaining upon Record Relation being thereunto had
doth and may att Large Appear And whereas afterwards
(To witt) the first day of Ianuary in the Year of our Lord One
Thousand six hundred Eighty six the said Thomas Jackson
for and in Consideration of the Sume of Twelve Thousand
pounds of Tobbacco to him in hand paid and Secured to be

p. 230

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March 1697/8-July 1699
Volume 22, Page 495   View pdf image (33K)
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