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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March 1697/8-July 1699
Volume 22, Page 494   View pdf image (33K)
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494 Assembly Proceedings, June 29-July 22, 1699.

Lib. L. L.

it shall be putt to the Assembly to be determined by an Act
and to be made a President for the future.

An Act for Setling Assemblys and Provinciall Courts att the
Porte of Annapolis in An Arundel County.

Be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Maty by & with
the Advice and Consent of this present Generall Assembly
and the Authority of the Same That the Porte of Annapolis in
Ann Arundell County be the Chiefe place and seat of Justice
within this Province for holding Assemblys and Provinciall
Courts And That all Writts pleas and Process Issuing or that

p. 228

has issued out and returnable to the Provinciall as aforesaid or
to the Court of Chancery shall from the end of this Present
Sessions of Assembly Continue and be made returnable to
the Porte of Annapolis in Ann Arundell County afd

An Act of Gratuity to Colonel Ninian Beall.

Whereas Colonell Ninian Beall has been found very Ser-
viceable to this Province upon all Incursions and Disturbances
of Neighbouring Indians and though now grown very Aged
and less able to performe, Yet Continues his Resolution even
beyond his Ability to do the like Service att this Iuncture of
Affaires it is therefore thought fitt in Point of Gratitude, for
Such his good Service done and towards his Supporte & Re-
liefe now in his old Age to make him an Allowance out of the
Publick Revenue of this Province Be it therefore Enacted by
the Kings most Excellent Maty by and with the Advice and
Consent of this present General Assembly and the Authority
of the Same, That Mr William Hutchison a Member of this
house as a Trustee for and on the behalfe of the said Col
Ninian Beal hath hereby Given to him full power and Authority
to Procure and Purchase three good Serviceable Negro Slaves
for the Proper use and benefitt of him the said Colo Ninian

p. 229

Beal for and dureing his Naturall life and after his decease to
the use of his wife dureing her Naturall life and after her
decease then the said Negros & Slaves and their Encrease to
the Sole use and Benefitt of their Child or Children according
to the request or Desire of him the said Ninion Beal by Will
or otherwise and for that end and purpose the said William
Hutchison hath hereby full power and Authority to draw a
Bill or Bills for the Sume of Seaventy five pound Sterling upon
the Treasurer of the Western Shoar who is likewise hereby
required to Yield and Pay the Same out of the Publick Stock

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March 1697/8-July 1699
Volume 22, Page 494   View pdf image (33K)
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