486 Assembly Proceedings, June 29-July 22, 1699.
Lib. L. L.
onely after such Determination of such number of Perches be-
cause after the Surveyor hath once by description as it were
Shap'd the Land it is then all granted att once uno flatu and
the Surplusage shall be Assigned by a Iury Intirely to lie
together but to the least detriment of the first Grantee, and if
a Certein number of Perches in any Case be prescribed to run
by a Creek River or Branch side and no Markt tree nor Cer-
tein Course Exprest the said Number of Perches shall not be
spent away by the Severall windings of the River Creek or
Cove but brought to a Streight line of that length or else be
regulated by the other Courses, as in other Cases is Provided.
If Land be bounded by a Creek or Cove running a Certein
Course or Number of Perches, as Supose North one hundred
perches if that Branch Creek or Cove wear out and Expire or
unreasonably winde above five points from the Course into
the Land before the number of Perches be Determined so that
there be no Certeine running Constant Stream or Certein Bed
or Channell of a Stream Continuing to the end of the line or
p. 215
if there be such a Windings as aforesaid in Cases the line shall
be the Bounds from the Beginning to the Ending, Provided
That all the Adjacent (Lands betwixt the Creek and the line
before it Comes to Slant over the Branch Creek or Cove shall
be Added and taken to be part of the Land that is, So farr as
the Creek includes as in the Ninth Example) If Land begin
att a Markt Tree by a River Creek Branch or Cove and so go
up or down the said River Creek Branch or Cove to an other
Markt tree att the mouth of a Creek or Cove to another markt
tree att the mouth of a Creek or Cove and then be prescribed
to run a Certein Course and number of Perches by the said
Creek or Cove and the Spending away of the number of
Perches upon the Winding of the said Creek or Cove would
Shorten the line from Extending farr enough into the Woods
and the Creek Winds outwards from the Land and Varying
from the Course in this Case the full line and prescribed shall
be run out and from the end of that line shall be drawn a line
reverse to the next Course which is to be run till the line re-
verse Intersect the said Creek or Cove and by that intersection
it shall describe how farr, that Tract shall be bounded by the
Creek &c and the rest of the bounds shall in such Case be
Ascerteined by the fourth Example, as suppose from the second
Tree att the mouth of a Cove &c the line proscribed East one
hundred and Sixty perches by the Cove and bounded by the
Cove and the said Creek winds away East North East and
East line of one hundred and Sixty Perches shall be run out
and if from the End of the East line the Course should be
South then there shall be first a line drawn North to the Cove
and that North line shall describe att the place where it inter-