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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March 1697/8-July 1699
Volume 22, Page 475   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, June 29-July 22, 1699. 475

held for the said Countys upon Examination had before them
of the Publick Charges of their said Severall and respective
Countys and allowances by them made of the same to leavy
and raise Tobbo for payment and Satisfaction of the said Sev-
erall & respective County Charges and the Sherriffs Salary
for the Collecting thereof by an Equall Assessment of the
Taxable persons of the said Severall Countys any Act Law
usage and Custom heretofore had and made to the Contrary
in any wise Notwithstanding Provided Allways that the Ac-
count of the said County Charge be kept upon Record in a
Book fair written by themselves Signed by the Clerk of the
said County Court and that upon Complaint of any person
that the said Charges are not allowable or that he is over-
charged or otherwise agrieved the said Acts shall be Examined
and Rectifyed in the Provinciall Court of this Province

An Act for the marking High Ways and makeing the heads of
Rivers Creeks Branches and Swamps passable for horse
and foot

Lib. L. L.

Whereas it is thought Convenient and very much for the
benefitt of the Inhabitants of this Province that Roads and
Paths be marked and the heads of Rivers Creeks and Branches
be made Passable Be it therefore Enacted by the Kings most
Excellent Maty by and with the Advice & Consent of this
present Generall Assembly and the Authority of the Same
That all Publick and main Roads be hereafter Cleared and
well Grubbed fitt for Travelling Twenty foot wide and good and
Substantiall bridges made over all heads of Rivers Creeks
Branches and Swamps where need shall require att the dis-
cretion of the Justices of the County Courts and for the better
Ascerteining what is or shall be Deemed Publick Roads Be it
likewise Enacted that the Justices of the County Courts shall
sett down and Ascerteine in their Records once every Year
what are the Publick Roads of their respective Countys and
appoint overseers of the same and that no person whatsoever
shall alter or Change any such publick Roads without the
leave or licence of the Governor and Councill or Justices of
the County Courts upon Penalty of five hundred pounds of
Tobbacco And if any Overseer so Appointed should neglect to
Clear the Roads so as before he shall be fined five hundred
pounds of Tobbacco in Cask and every Labourer that shall
refuse to Serve and obey the Overseer and every Master
Servants that being Sumoned or warned shall refuse to send
all his Taxable Male Servants to the Overseer aforesaid he or
they shall be fined that is to say every Labourer one hundred

p. 198

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March 1697/8-July 1699
Volume 22, Page 475   View pdf image (33K)
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