ity aforesaid That all such publick Letters and Packetts be in-
dorsed for his Matys Service and with the Persons name that
send them and if any pson or persons whatsoever shall att any
time after the publication of this Act presume to indorse any
Letter or Letters Packett or Packetts so as aforesaid which are
not for the Publick Service shall forfeitt and pay for such
Offence five hundred pounds of Tobbacco to be recovered in
Maner aforesaid
An Act Impowering the Commissioners of the County Courts
to Leavy and raise money to defray the necessary Charges
of their Countys.
Forasmuch as in the Intervall of Assemblys in this Province
there have been Severall Necessary Charges laid out and Ex-
pended in the Severall & respective Countys of this Province
by Severall and respective Comissioners of the said Countys
and others for the good & welfare and Conservation of the
Peace of this Province and of and within the said Countys and
wch ought to be borne by the Severall and respective Countys
distinctly and have been formerly used & Accustomed to be
reimbursed and defrayed paid and Satisfyed by and out of the
County Leavy leavied and Assessed by the Comrs of the said
respective Countys by Equall Assessment upon the Estates
and Persons of the Inhabitants of the said Severall and respec-