the Governor of this Province for the time being may here-
after be Concerned in an Appeal made or writt of Error
brought from the Iudgmt of the Judgment of the Provincial
and County Court to the Governor and Councill aforesaid or
he otherwise indisposed or Absent Be it therefore Enacted
by the Authority aforesaid by and with the Advice and
Consent aforesaid that it shall and may be Sufficient in every
such Case for the Councill onely to hear and Determine such
Matters of Controversy whereof the first of the Councill in
Comission being then present shall preside whose Judgment
thereupon shall be definitive Except before Excepted in as
full and Ample maner as though the said Governor were
then Actually present and presideing any thing in this Act
to the Contrary Notwithstanding.
An Act for the more Speedy Conveying the publick Letters
and Pacquetts of this Province and Settling a Revenue on
the Sherriffs for defraying the Charge thereof.
Forasmuch as Severall of the Inhabitants of this Province
haveing been formerly Subject to great and Manifest inconven-
iencys by reason of pressing of horses under pretext of Carry-