Assembly Proceedings, June 29-July 22, 1699. 471
Writt of Error shall think fitt to Assigne or such Causes or
reasons as he or they had for makeing the Said Appeal or
Sueing out such Writt of Error as aforesaid upon which Tran-
script the said Court to whom such Appeal shall be made or
before whom such Writt of Error shall be brought as aforesd
shall proceed to give Judgement. And be it Enacted by the
Authority aforesaid by and with the Advice and Consent
aforesaid That all Appeals made in Maner aforesd shall be
admitted and allowed of by the Superior Court to whom
such Appeal shall be made as aforesd in Nature of a Writt
of Error and that every Clk of a Court shall att the time of
Lib. L. L.
the Sitting of the Court to which they respectively belong
and when any Appeal shall be Demanded to Enter a Memo-
randum of such Demand as well in his or their Iournall as in
the faire Records of the proceedings of such Court and that
no Clerk of a Court do refuse or delay upon the request
of any Appellant as aforesaid to make and Write out a
Transcript of the whole Proceedings as aforesaid under his
hand and the Seale of the said Court as aforesaid upon
penalty to pay the respective Damages which such Appealant
shall Sustein by such refusall or delay as aforesaid the said
party paying or secureing to be paid such respective Clerk
his Just ffees for the Same according to Law And be it
Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that these Officers here-
after mentioned shall have noe other ffees then are hereafter
mentioned That is to say for a Writt of Error to the Secretary
fifty pounds of Tobbacco and to the keeper of the Seale
for the Seale thereof one hundred and Twenty pounds of
Tobbacco for a Supersedeas to the Secretary fifty pounds of
Tobbacco and to the Keeper of the Seale one hundred and
Twenty pounds of Tobbo for a Scire facias ad audiendum
Errores to the Secretary fifty pounds of Tobbacco and to the
keeper of the great Seale one hundred and Twenty pounds
of Tobbacco any Law usage or Custom to the Contrary
Notwithstanding And be it Enacted by the Authority afore-
said by and with the Advice and Consent aforesd That all
appeals or Writts of Error tryable before the Governo* and
Councill if it so shall happen that the former Judgement
Given shall be by the said Governor and Councill Affirmed
such Determination shall be finall and without any further
review unless such Judgement So given shall Exceed the
sume of three hundred pounds Sterling or the Sume of Sixty
p. 191
Thousand pounds of Tobbacco then and in every such Case
the party agt whom such Judgment shall be Given may
Appeal to the King and Councill in England And be it
further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That all and every
Person or persons that shall Conceive him or themselves
p. 192