Chancellor Sallarys for Attending in Councill the house
Concurr with the sd Proposalls.
As to our Vote About the Millitia It was meant if it should
bee Referred to the next Sessions or not And it was Carryed
in the negative the sence of the house being tht it should not
bee referred at all As to the Resolve Abot Sloops & Shallops
The house Concurr that it should bee soe explaynd as pro-
posed As to the Resolves about the publick fferrys The vote
of this house was intended against them all.
Signed p Ordr
W Bladen Clk. Dom. Del.
Vpon reading the Above Resolves of the House It is
Remarked as followeth Vizt to the 7th 8th 9th & 14th Articles
By his Excellcy the Governor & Councill in
Assembly March 29th 1698
As to the proposall for Confirming the proceedings of the
Assembly seeing tht the house is Sufficiently Sattisfyed with
the proceedings of this Assembly And does not think it
necessary to make such act of Confirmation. His Excellcy
does in his Majties name Command the house to make a direct
Answere to these following Articles Contained in Capt Slyes
Articles of Charge against his Excellcy now Lying before the
House Vizt the 7th 8th 9th & 14th Articles wch Said Articles doe
more Immediatly Concerne the publick And if can be made
out to bee true then the Severall proceedings Since that time
must Consequently prove Eroneus.
Henry Denton Clk Councill