Ordrd that the Same be read againe to Morrow Morning
Mr Robert Mason Prsents an Acct due from Severall Pub-
lick Officers on the Westerne Shore Ariseing on the act for
raising a Suplye towards the Defraying of the Publick Charge
and offired to buy the Same at Six Shillings p Cent.
Put to the Vote if the said Robt Mason should have the
Same for six Shill p Cent or not.
And Caryed in the affirmative
Ordrd that the Comittee of Acctts Settle & adjust the Said
Acctts wth Mr Mason & for what sume of Tobbacco the Same
shall Amount to that they take his Penall Bond for the Sume
at the Rate of Six Shillings p Ctt
The honble Coll: Ion Addisson Enters the house & Prsents
the following Message.
By his Excy the Govr and Councill in Assembly
Iuly 10th 1699:
Severall Indians wch Lately resided and Conserted wth the
Emprror of Pescatway & his Indians being come to Towne
notice is hereby given you thereof and you are desired to send
Liv' Coll: Smallwood & such other of your members as you
think fitt to hear the sd Indians discoursed & Treated wth to
Morrow Morning
Signed p Ordr
W Bladen Clk Councill: