repaid to the said Capt Richd Hill by the Publick of this
Majr Iames Smalwood & Mr Wm Hutchinsson the Gent:
who were sent to inquire Concering the Indians appear in the
house & report that the Indians were not gon Back to the
Emporor but that they are Six of them Comeing vp to
Annapolis & will Suddenly be here & prayed that some Care
might be Taken for their Entertainment.
Ordrd that Majr Iames Smallwood take Care for their
Entertainmt and the Charge to be paid by the publick of this
Ordrd that Majr Iames Smallwood & Mr Wm Hutchinson
acquaint his Excy and Councill of their returne and report &c
who returne & say they have dd their Message.
The house adjournes till two of Clock
Eodem Die the house Mett againe Prsent as in the Morning.
The Gent appoynted on the Conferrence concerning the Bill
for asscertaining of the bounds of Lands Enter the house and
report as followes.
Vpon a Conferrence appoynted of Some of the Members
of this house and allsoe of his Majtyes honble Councill to
Consider of a certaine Bill relateing to the Bounds of Land.
Doe hereby Certifye that the said respective Members