By his Excy the Govr and Covncill in Assembly Iuly 6th 1699.
The houses message by Majr Tho: Smith and Majr Tho:
Hicks has been here read and Considrd and his Excy and this
board Concurr wth the [houses] Resolves therein only as to the
fine It is Referrd to the Consideration of the house whither
it shall be Two hundred pounds Sterling or any thing less as
they shall think Convenient
Signed p Ord
W Bladen Clk Councill.
Referrd till to Morrow Morning to a full house.
The house Adjournes till to morrow morning six of Clock.
Die Veneris Iuly 7th 1699.
The house mett againe and were called over.
Read what was done yesterday.