Vpon the Reading of the Petition of Mr Philip Lynes wherein
he prays allowance of this house for the Sume of 52109 pds of
Toba for Sundry Expences of Severall psons at his house at
the arivall his Excy Govr Coply in the year 1692:
Resolved that for as much as by the Iovrnall of the Comittee
of Accots in March 1698 it doth appear that the same was then
rejected because they found by the Iournall of the Comittee of
Accots in 1694 he was allowed fourteen Thousand and odd
pds of Tobacco wch was the Ball of his accots at that time That
the sd petition be wholy rejected & never more be brought
into this house nor further releife theirin Given
The house Adjournes Till to Morrow Morning Six of Clock.
Die Saturnij Iuly 18th 1699:
The house Mett and were Called over and appeared in the
house more then what were Prsent Yesterday Mr Iohn Leech
Mr Iohn Bozman Mr Samll Collins & Mr Walter Lane
Read over what was done Yesterday.
Ordrd that Mr Iacob Loockerman and Capt Philip Hoskins
Give notice to his Excy that there is some more members come
to the house who have not Taken the Oathes and Subscribed
The Test & association this Sessions.
Who returne and Say they have Deliverd their Message.
The Honble Coll: Charles Hutchins & ffrancis Ienkins Esqrs
and Majr Wm Dent his Majtys Attry Genll who administred the
Oathes to Mr Iohn Leech Mr Iohn Bozman Mr Samll Collins
and Mr Walter Lane who having taken the Same Severally
Subscribed the Test & the association wch being Done the
Gent: of his Majtys Honble Covncill and the Attty Genll Depart.