They returne and say they have delivered there Mes-
By the house of Delegates Iune 30th 1699:
May it Please yor Excy
This house does humbly desire that yor Excy will be pleased
to appointe some of his Mastys Honble Covncill to Ioyne in a
Comitte wth some of the Members of this house to Consider
of the Reasons that obstructs the building of the Church &
ffree schoole to be built wthin this port & towne of Annopolis
Signed p Ordr
Chr Gregory Clk house Dell.
Ordrd that Coll Ion Thompson & Mr Elisha hall Carry the
sd Message to his Ex« and Covncill
They returne and say they have Delivered their Message
Resolved that Sixteen Members wth Mr Speaker be a Sufficient
number to make a house to doe bussiness
Ordrd Majr Ion Lowe Mr Symon Wilmore Cap* Richd Hill
Mr Ion Leech Mr Benja Hall Coll Edwd Lloyd Majr Thomas
Ennalls Mr Ion Carvill Mr Wm Hutchinson Mr Ion Bozmon Mr
Iames Crawford Mr Richd Tilghman and Mr Michaell Miller
be appointed a Comitte to inspect and revise and Compleate
the body of Laws & for the drawing and Considerring of
such new Laws as shall be made this Sessions and pticu-
larly to Consider of the Law relateing to the Surveying of
Resolved that the said Comittee goe out and Consider of
such their Charge and that they sitt in the Iury Roome.
The Honble Coll. Charles Hutchins Thos Brookes Robt
Smith Ion Hammond & Tho: Taskers Esqrs all of his Majtycs
Covncill Enter the house and prsent the following Message
By the Councill in Assembly Iune the 30th 1699:
Yesterday his Excy was pleased to lay before you Severall
of his Majtyes Royall instructions to the End you may discerne
thereby his Princely Care and Concerne for us and if you
have any thing to observe or advise towards the fullfilling &
pformance of them this board is ready to attend it and Joyne
wth you therein.
The principale matters that are recommended to your Con-
sideration are the buisness of this Sesssions are these
1: The Reviseing & Comeposeing our Laws into one
Compleate Body according to his Majtys Royall instructions