Selfe is so small and inconsiderable that it amounts not to any
Suitable Encouragemt to good meritt which hath Occasion his
Excy Since his Arrivall to require the Attendance of the Clergy
by turns at this place which in winter is Conceived will be
very Burthensom besides depriving their respective parishes.
And the reasons why this parish was laid out so small, was
because it was allotted for the residence and Care of Dr Bray
in whom upon his Arrivall the Comissarys Office was settled
which would largly Supply the defficiency afd
But forasmuch as the sd Doctor Bray after 3 years Expecta-
tion is not yet arrived nor has given any Assurance when he
will Come so that this place without some Care be without a
Cure &c.
It is therefore recomended to the house to joyne with this
Board in Annexing the next Adjacent parish to this place
which will make a Competent Supporte to some Able and
discreet Divine to Come and reside here and performe such
holy functions as are requisite and becomeing the place
the above Mess: sent to the house Signed p Order
by Tho: Tench Esqr and Col W Bladen Cl Concil.
John Addison.
The Board adjourned 'till 2 of the Clock in the afternoon
Post Meridiem.
Councill Sate prsent as in the forenoon.
Ordered by his Excy in Councill That Mr Iohn West, Mr
Robt Grundy, L' Col Henry Low and Mr Iohn Taylor the
Sherriffs of Somersett, Talbott, St Marys and Dorchester
Countys be Continued in their Severall Offices for the year
Ensueing and that Comissions be p'pared therefore
Message from the house by Col Thompson & Capt Hutchi-
son Vizt