three of the members of the house to Consider of the Erecting
such Tenemts
Signed p Order
Chr: Gregory Cl house Del.
The Honble Col. Henry Iowles and Thomas Brook Esqr
Appointed to Joine with the Members of the house upon that
The Board adjourned till 2 of the Clock in the Afternoon
Post Meridiem
The Councill mett prsent as in the Aforenoon
Read the petition of Mr Samll Chew and Compa Merchts
praying Remittance for some Negros unfitt for Sale which this
Board think very reasonable and recomend to the Considera-
tion of the house of Delegates.
The petition of Andrew Gregg Master of the Ship provi-
dence of Dublin praying Suspencon of an Action upon a
Navigation Bond which Mr Iohn Scott of Calvert County
Entered into in the year 1689 att the request of the petitioner
and that his Excy would be pleased to Signify what Certificate
or other Matter is necessary to Clear the petitionrs Bond Given
for the Navigation of the said Vessell. The said petition was
Ordered to be thus Endorsed
The within petition being read and Considered the petitionr
is referred to the Comon Law unlest he Can produce a Cer-
tificate from the Comrs of his Matys Customs of England of
their being satisfyed with the unlivery of his Tobbo in Scottland.
Signed p Order
William Bladen Cl Concil.