L. H. J.
p. 273
A Bill Entituled an addiconall act to the act Entituled an
act for speedy Iustice for small Debts, Read the first and
second time.
A Bill for the Reformacon of Jeofayles in this Province, read
the first & 2d time.
Resolved that the two fines of Five hundred pounds of
Tobacco each deducted out of the allowances to Mr William
Hutchison and Major Willm Barton be applyed to the payment
of Iohn Newton for the sweeping and Cleaning the State
The house adjournes till to Morrow Morning Eight of the
Dies Saturnij Novr 12th 1698. The house mett againe, and
were called over, Were absent Mr Philip Clarke, Mr Iames
Crauford, Capt Philip Hoskins, Mr Benja Hall, Mr George
Ashman, Major Thomas Ennalls, Mr William hutchison and
Major Wm Barton.
Resolved that Major Thomas Ennalls for his prsumptious
goeing home and leaving this house without leave first
obtayned, one thousand pounds of Tobacco, and that the same
be substracted from his allowance.
Prposed if this house shall make answer to his Excys and the
honble the Councills Refflections in their Severall Messages.
Whereupon it was put to the vote, and Carried in the affir-
Ordered, that the Comittee of Laws draw up such an
Ordered that Mr Iohn Whittington Mr Iacob Moreland, Mr
Samuell Young Majr John Lowe and Mr Iames Saunders carry
the aforesd Bills to his Excy and Councill. They returne and
say that they have delivered the same.
The Comittee appointed to Confer with two of his Majtys
honble Councill Enter the house and by Capt Richd Hill they
make report.
Is' It was proposed by their honr what was the reason they
could not comply with what was desired in an act for promo-
tion of Learning and advancemt of his Majtys free schoole of
To which was answered that the house did ap'hend that
their Complyance would be a barr to the heire if any and that
it would allso be a barr to the Lord prorty of his right to Es-
2d After many arguments theire honrs were pleased to send
for his Majtys Attorney Generall who read in the Civill Laws
severall prsidents upon the reading of which the Comittee was