agreement and accord between his Majtie and Parliament in
raiseing such Supplies as were necessary for defraying the
arrears and supporting the honour and Dignity of the crowne
And what in a more particular manner affected his Majties
province was that it had pleased God to withdraw from us his
afflicting hand of sickness and Restoreing health and blessing
us with Severall Beneficiall and healing Waters Called the
Coole Springs which by his blessing have wrought many
wonderfull and Signall Cures
And Lastly for that the late Comotions and disturbances
were extinguished for all which favors and blessings he had
by the advise of his Matytes honble Councill appointed Tuesday
next being the 25th Instant to be sett apart for a day of Pub-
lique Thanksgiving for the Same to be observed by the Gen-
erall Assembly and the Inhabitants of the Towne and port of
Annapolis and on the 22d of Novembo in Ann Arundl County
and all other Countys within this Province.
His Excy was pleased to comunicate and deliver to them
Severall papers and Letters from their Ldps the Lords of the
Councill of Trade and fforeigne plantations, as alsoe severall
papers and Lers relating to the Coole Springs and a Coppie
of Mr Coods and Mr Slyes articles against him.
His Excy was pleased to observe to them that he could not
understand their meaning to insist to have the clk: of their
house sworne to secresye but for them to order their
Speaker to keep a Iournall he knew to be very unparliamen-
tary, but if any of them will Transcribe the proceedings during
the Sitting of the house they may at pleasure and further tells
them that to prevent false Storyes and Reports which amuse
and distract the people he is willing that bothe the Honble his
Majties Councill and the Severall members of the house should
be sworne to secrecie.
Lastly his Excy was pleased to tell them that ever since he
had had the honr to serve his most Sacred Majtie in the Station
he has been placed to appoint him he has Endeavoured noth-
ing but what has been for the Glory of God and Service of his
Majtie and the good of this province to which and noe other
ends he prays God to direct them.
Whereupon Mr Speaker and the house tooke their leaves
of his Excy and the Councill and returne to the Stadt house.
Where being mett and Mr Speaker having taken the chair.
Dies Saturnij Octobr the 2 2d 1698.
The Honble Collo Henry Iowles and Thomas Tench Esqr two
of his Majties honble Councill and Mr Wm Bladen Clk: of the
same councill came into the house and Informed them that