Excys Displeasure nor Reproach for petitoning for his Attend-
ance here. Signd p Ordr
C Gregory Ck house of Del.
Whereas in the houses Message It is said, that upon their
Addresses to his Excy and Councill to enlarge Mr Philip
Clarke being One of their Members to Serve in the Assembly
His Excy was pleased to prorogue them His Excy says that
they were not prorogued pticularly upon that Acct but because
he understood they had run themselves into heats and
Animositys from which they could not easily disengage them-
selves in order to go upon the Countrys Busieness.
By his Excy the Govr and Councill &
Saturday Octob the 29th 1698.
The Message from yor house by Major Low and four other
Members was here ree'd and read and finding how familiarly
you have four tymes menconed the Rt honble the house of
Comons in his Matys Kingdom of England desiring the
Opinion of his Excy and this Board upon your question in the
sd Message put. This Board Considring of what weight and
Consequence It is to adjudge of the Rights and priviledges of
the Rt honhle the house of Comons in his Matys Kingdome of
England will not imediately give their opinion thereon without
mature and deliberate Considracon but do againe recomend to
you his Majtys and the Country's Busieness given you in
Charge yesterday and more of the like nature sent you, since
you canot be Ignorant of the Vast Charge you have put the
Country to Sign'd p Ordr
W Bladen Cl Concil.