That it be remarqued to the House of Delegates that Mr
Sheffield imported aboue forty or ffifty negroes this year into
puttuxent and that the sd Watkins gives Credditt for 32 only
The Board adjournd untill Wedensday
Morning att 8 of the Clock
Port of Annapolis Octob. 26th 1698
The honble His Majtys Councill in Assembly
Sate and were present as yesterday.
Message from the house by Lieu' Colonel Hick and Mr
Benjamin Hall, Vizt
By the house of Delegates Octob: 26th 1698.
Mr Samll Chew appearing before this house informs them
that Capt Thomas Ely when Entred his negroes reported but
for three hundred ninety six negroes And finding afterwards
that he had more on boarde of which he had made no Entry
(the whole being 423 negroes) for the Whole of which he was
ready to pay the Impost And desiring that noe advantage
might be taken agt him for want of a post Entry, And that this
House would be pleased to ordr him to whome he should pay
the said Impost
It is resolved upon by this house that he pay the same to
the Navll Officer for the Distrust of the port of Annapolis &
that noe advantage should be taken thereon for want of such
Post Entry, if his Excy and the Honble Councill shall approve
of the Same