In answer to which, Resolved the following Message be
By the house of Delegates March the 28th 1698.
It hath never been the practice that the Iournall of the
Comittee of Aggrievances should be Transmitted to the
Councill before the end of the Sessions. It being the proper
part of the Representatives to show the grievances of theire
countyes, and such things as we have approved of in the said
comittees Journall, we have represented to your Excy for
redress therein. Signed by order
W Bladen Clk: house Del:
By his Excy the Govr and Councill in Assembly
March the 26th 1698.
The houses Resolves upon parte of the reporte made by the
Comittee appointed for Indian affairs was recd and read, but it
is expected that a direct answer be given to every particular
article Reported by the said comittee and approved of by his
Excy in Councill otherwise this board canot further proceed in
this matter. Signed p order
Hen: Denton Clk: Councill.
In answer to which, Resolved the following Message be sent.
By the House of Delegates Marce 28th 1698.