That the footmen that is sent to muster be allowed 20l
tobacco a day and the horsemen thirty.
That the Severall Troopes and Companys be exercised four
times a year or oftener, at the discretion of the officers.
All which proposalls for the better Settleing the Militia are
thought necessary clauses and additions as to enforce the due
putting in execution of the Law and for the better secureing
the publick arms and Amunition. Signed by order
Hen: Denton clk: Councill.
Whereupon put to the Question if the said proposall shall
be referred to the Consideration of the next Sessions of
Assembly or not? and Carried in the negative.
By his Excy the Govr and Councill in Assembly
March 26th 1698.
In reply to the houses answer abt transmitting the Comittee
of aggrievances Iournall hither for pusall of this board his
Excy is pleased positively to declare that the house have no
right to insist upon anything as matter of Custom in this
Country which is not agreeable to the Lawes of England, and
this board do think themselves as much concerned and to have
as great reason to inspect and see what the Grievances of the
Country are as well as the house of delegates.
Signed by order
Hen: Denton Clk: Councill