Hyde & Mr Howard the Money is much wanted. The
Persons who are Rivals in the Purchase of Wheat and Flour
have ready Money in their Hands, which, all the World
through, is preferred to Credit. The Sum of 500,000£. is by
no Means adequate, the Purchase will be very little so low as
£15. a good Deal at £20 and we are afraid, more at £22 ... 10
perhaps upwards, besides Charges of Cask, Carriage and
Commission. It is strange to report for 500000 Dollars to
answer the Purchase, and pay us 30000 Dollars, now 40,
advanced for the Recruiting Service; we hope that the rest of
the Money necessary will be issued and sent us, without
obliging us to send again for it; our Situation will be very
irksome, to be dunned on one side and soliciting and waiting
on the other. We have wrote to Mr Morris pretty fully, the
Price is high and will probably be complained of, but it is
enhanced by the Purchase for the Massachusetts, and the
Damage done by the Frost is very alarming. We have a
considerable Sum of the called in Emissions in our Treasury,
we want to pay it into the Continental Treasury, towards
Taxes. Mr Harwood does not think he has a Power to receive
it as such, pray what's to be done with it? If he has such a
Power, we wish you to have it, explained to him, if he has not,
that it may be conferred or, if thought improper be so obliging
as to inform us where and to whom we are to pay it.
We are &ca
Delegates in Congress
[Council to R. Buchanan.]
In Council Annapolis 30th Apl 1779
By Letters recd to Day by the Post, we are induced to
request that any Flour which may come to your Hands of the
State Purchase for the use of the Continent, instead of being
sent forward to the Head of Elk may be stored in Baltimore
'til you receive further Directions concerning it. We should
be glad to hear that you had Success in your Purchase. Colo
Hyde was waiting for the Money, he will be down soon Be
pleased to let us know the State of your Purchase the 20th May
as we may transmit a general Account as requested of us.
We are &ca
Robert Buchanan Esqr
C. C.