That the said Treasurer pay to James Bayle seventy two
Pounds Eight shillings & nine Pence due him on Account of
the Galley Baltimore per Account passed by the Depy Audr
That the said Treasurer pay to Capt. Beriah Mayburry One
hundred and ninteen Pounds, eighteen shillings & Nine Pence
p Account passd by the Depy Aud. and the further Sum of
Fifty Pounds on Acct
That the said Treasurer pay to Thomas Williams Nine
Pounds Eight shillings and three pence due him p Acct passed
by the Depy Audr
That the Commissary of Stores deliver to Serjeant Christo-
pher Perott of the 2d Regimt 1 pr Shoes and 1 Shirt.
That the said Commissary Deliver to Henry Hughes one
Blanket being the balance due him by Act of Assembly to
procure Troops for the American Army.
Wednesday 3d March 1779
Present as on yesterday
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to Simon
Ratalack Three hundred and thirteen Pounds, seven shillings
and three pence due to Ridge and Ratalack & for their use
per Accts passed by the Aud Genl
That the Commissary of Stores deliver to Lieut Colo Wool-
ford 24 yard Cloth
That the said Commissary deliver to George Spalding the
Amt of Nine Pounds, Eight shillings & Nine Pence in Cloath-
ing being the Balance due him p Act of Assembly to procure
Troops for the A. Army
Commissions issued to Richard Smith appd Colo William
Vearse Lieut Colo & Frederick Sprigg Major of the Upper Bat-
talion of Militia in Montgomery County and also to Archibald
Orme Colo Nathaniel Pigman Lieut Colo & Robert Owen
Major of the Middle Battalion of Militia in Montgomery County