C. C.
lend it to the Continent on Interest and probably the Assem-
bly will make it so far further useful as that it may be
advanced for Taxes.
We are &ca
P. S. We inclose you an Order for 1000£
which we see will be wanted; it must be paid in other Money
than the Emissions called in; we do not find such a Proportion
of Counterfeits as was expected.
Colo Wm Richardson
[Council to Dickinson.]
In Council Annapolis 22d Febry 1779
Your Treasurer's Bond appears to us to be right, we
approve of the Securities. Where the Sheriffs have received
the Emissions of May 1777 and April 1778, we think you
ought to receive the same Money of them but that they ought
not to charge other Money for those Emissions and then pay
in those Bills which are designed to be taken out of Circu-
lation and in Order to evince the Fact, we think those who
offer to pay in the Bills of May 1777 and April 1778 ought to
lodge with you an Affidavit of their having received them for
Taxes. We cannot give you any positive Directions as to not
suing the Collectors Bonds; if there was a Certainty of the
Money's being paid, the Indulgence might probably be
approved by the Assembly and under the present Circum-
stances, which we expect will induce them to allow the People
to pay in those Emissions for Taxes, it is likely they will not
find Fault with your Forbearance. As the Assembly is to
meet the 2d of March and this Matter will be immediately
before them, we hope you will be timely acquainted with the
We are &ca
Henry Dickinson Esqr
Treasurer of the Eastern Shore
C. B.
Tuesday 23d February 1779
Present as on Yesterday
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to Thomas
Noble Stockett Three Pounds, four Shillings and six Pence
due him p Acct passed by Depy Audr
That the said Treasurer pay to Joshua Testill, One hun-
dred and eight Pounds, Eleven Shillings and Eight Pence to
be delivered over to Capt. Van Swearingen and his Compy
due them p Accts passed by the Depy Audr