of the Council of Maryland, 1778-1779: 301
[Council to Nicholson.]
In Council Annapolis 15th Febry 1779
We send up the Conqueror Galley and as we do not know
who may be recommended to go in her, we request you'll
take the Trouble to have her put in Order. The Dolphin is
gone for her Masts, she is expected to return to Day, and we
hope to have her ready in Time. The Commodore wants a
Sail or two made for the Chester, be so obliging as to have
them done. If you want a Hand or two to take Care of the
Galley and her Stores, we have directed that an Officer and
two Hands should be left for that Purpose
Capt James Nicholson We are &ca
C. C.
Tuesday 16th February 1779
Present as on Yesterday Thomas Sim Lee Esqr Attended
Commission of Letter of Marque & Reprisal issued to James
Gould Commander of the Sloop Swift mounting 6 Carriage
Guns, 4 Swivels and 6 Small Arms 40 Tons burthen, belong-
ing to John McLure and John Sterett of Baltimore
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to William
Cox two hundred and thirty eight Pounds, ten shillings due
him for making Soldiers Cloaths p Account passed by the
Depy Aud.
That the said Treasurer pay to John Bruce Eleven Pounds,
thirteen shillings and nine Pence Amt of Acct passed by the
Depty Aud.
C. B.
[Council to Frederick Justices.]
In Council Annapolis 16th Febry 1779
We inclose you a Letter received this Morning, by the
Governor in Favor of Park Angel Morningstar, against whom
a Verdict has passed on an Indictment for Hogstealing. The
Reason intimated why two Gent only joined in the Represen-
tation is, that those were the only Magistrates then in Town
who sat on the trial. We exercise no Act of Government
with so much Pleasure as extending Mercy, where the Circum-
stances of the Case warrant it and should have been inclined
now to have issued a Pardon but that, with your Concurrence,
the rest of the Magistrates who were present at the Tryal
may, if they think proper, join in a Representation of Morning-
star's Case; wherefore we wish that the Proceeding against
Morningstar may stand in its present State, or, at least, that
C. C.